
Saturday, December 15, 2012

A video game come true...sort of.

Hey everyone!

Awhile ago I posted an entry about my excitement for the new Skyrim DLC, Dragonborn, which hinted at flyable dragon mounts. Player-controlled dragon mounts (that can fly) is a feature that I have wanted in Skyrim since launch.

Most players (including myself) assumed that the dragon mounts would function much like the horses that already exist in the game...except they could fly, and were a FRIGGING DRAGON! Sadly, shortly after Dragonborn was released on the Xbox 360 (damn Microsoft exclusivity agreement...) it was discovered that the dragon "mounts" were not all we expected them to be...

You see, rather than giving us our very own fully controllable, flyable dragon with which to strike terror in the hearts of our enemies and look incredibly badass upon, Bethesda gave us this (quoted from the UESP wiki):

In order to ride a dragon, the player must acquire all three words of the Bend Will shout and use it on a dragon. The dragon will then land and allow the player to climb onto its back and ride it. The player cannot directly control the dragon while riding, but he or she can give it certain instructions
 Those "certain instructions" are merely which enemy the dragon should attack. The player has no control over which direction the dragon flies, and pretty much sits there enjoying the ride. When you get bored of this "taxi ride", you can command the dragon to land, and as soon as you dismount it becomes hostile once again.

Maybe the disappointment is mainly the fault of the players. Many of us took Bethesda's promise of "YOU CAN TOTALLY RIDE A DRAGON!" to mean that we would be getting fully controllable, flyable dragon mounts; despite the complete lack of evidence that the dragon riding gameplay would be that extensive.

The last hope for those of us who play Skyrim on the PC is that the amazing modding community will find a way to create the fully controllable dragon mounts that we so dearly want. After all, such a mod existed for Oblivion.

Sadly without a dragon,
 - Andre :3

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