To be honest, I've been lazy and couldn't be bothered to post to the blog. Here's a quick rundown of what's been going on since my last post:
- I'm still unemployed. Still attempting to find a job, but getting desperate.
- Started a second YouTube channel for blogs and such. Check out WordFederation!
- School and school related stuff keeps me busy.
- Went to see my school's production of Footloose. Absolutely fantastic!
- Dad's working through Christmas and his birthday. Brilliant >.>
- The digital camera that I've had since my twelfth birthday is broken. I don't know how, but it is.
- For the past month, I've been using my Dad's Nikon D80...I really want my own DSLR, so he's letting me borrow the Nikon to get used to all the settings and such. Lots of fun :D
- Killed another headset. This one was already dying due to the tangled cord (which I could not fix), but finally bit the dust and snapped when I gently stretched out the cord in an attempt to fix it.
- Done with wired headsets for good...from now on I'm going to use wireless. My eye is on the Astro A50s, but until I can afford those ($300!), I'll settle for one of the Logitech headsets.
- My Skyrim saves are corrupted, so I'm rushing through the game to get back to where I was before the Dragonborn DLC is released on PC.
- Speaking of Dragonborn...I'm very disappointed in the "flyable" dragon mounts. More on that in another blog post.
- I asked out my best friend. Didn't go well. Nice work, heart.
- Two of my best friends have got me into Supernatural.
- I really need to catch up on NCIS and How I Met Your Mother...
- My cousin Rachelle is getting married next weekend!
- Deleted my Tumblr. Didn't use it much anyway.
- Deleted a bunch of people off of Facebook. Mostly people I don't talk to anymore, or duplicate/deactivated accounts.
- I'm missing Ottawa, and my best friend/"sister" Erin Casey. Planning to make a trip back during the March Break...or after I get my G2.
- Feeling bad about not getting my friends Christmas/birthday money, no job. >.>
- All of my applications for university and college are submitted!
- In order of preference...
- Universities:
- Ryerson University
- University of Toronto: Scarborough Campus
- Carlton University
- Colleges:
- Humber College
- Seneca College
- Centennial College
- Tried out the Samsung Galaxy Note II today...definitely better than I originally thought. After my iPhone 4 dies, I'll probably get the 4S. After that, will definitely put a lot of consideration into the Galaxy Note II...or whichever the latest version is at that point.
- Found the perfect Christmas present for a classmate of mine. Not going to say here on the off chance that she reads my blog (hahaha, as if), but I'm looking forward to Monday.
- Bought my friend Janine a Tom Hiddleston T-Shirt. Hopefully it will come in the mail before the break.
- My iPhone 4 has battery issues. Goes from 100% to 74% in less than an hour, and takes longer to charge to 100% than usual. Definitely going to the Apple store before the warranty expires on the 22nd.
That's really all I can think of right now.
Until next time,
- Andre :3
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